AB testing

Email marketing AB testing Successful guide

What is AB testing and how does it work? Find all details about running successfully email AB testing campaign

What is AB testing?


AB testing is a random test that helps to determine which assets are better in live time. Here assets like webpages, landing pages, email, social media posts, and many other marketing assets. You can create a version of the same target content and try both variants on different segments of your audience and get the best result that achieves a high score for your targeted activities like open, click, or subscribe.



Starting From


  1. Select Hypothesis select which is your targeted action that will decide which campaign or assets are better.
  2. Create variants: Create variants according to your hypothesis.
    • For Web pages Or landing pages: Create a different design of web or landing pages for testing.
    • For Email: if you try to maximize open you can choose a different subject line or try to test on click. You need to design your email template differently.
    • For Ads: You can create a variety of ads per your targeted action.
  3. Audience: choose a targeted audience and split the audience into two groups one is for (A tests) and the second is for (B tests).
  4. Launch: launch your test on selected platforms like Google ads, subscriber pages, or email marketing software.
  5. Analyze: After some time or days you can analyze your campaign or page analytics and choose the best assets for your large or next audience.
  6. Decision: Use the insights gained from the test to decide which version to implement.


What is Email AB testing?



Email ab testing example



Email ab testing helps to choose impactful email campaigns that deliver high-value email responses and quality leads. 


You can create a variant of email and test both variants with some portion of the list. After completing the test you can easily identify the best variant across the list portion using analytics. Choose your best variant for the rest of the email list.


Hypothesis For email AB testing


  • Open rate: you can choose the best email variant according to email open rates (For image example Test A is a win if you select hypothesis is open)
  • Click Rate: Choose the best variant according to email click rate and send for whole list (for the image example Test B is a win if you choose click hypothesis)


Email AB testing example


The above image demonstrates the email AB testing example. Gives you more exposure to email AB testing in this example.



List of 10000 email contacts and we can try to AB test for our campaign. First, we select the hypothesis for this AB testing open or click. Next, we can create variants of A and B then we can schedule both campaigns in a particular segment of the main 10000 contact lists. Here, we choose the first 1000 contacts for A test and the next 1000 contacts for test B. For email it will probably give you actionable data after 1 day so, we can check campaign analytics for both campaigns and check which campaign performs better according to our hypothesis, and finally launch the main campaign for the rest of the 8000 email contacts with the winner variant of the ab test.


  • The main list of contacts is 10000 emails.
  • Test A is sent for the first 1000 email contact.
  • Test B is sent for the next 1000 email contact.
  • Check analytics probably after 1 day (minimum 4 hours after test campaign completion)
  • Scheduled the rest of the 8000 email contacts with the winner variant of the test.


Here campaign creation three times is annoying for users. But don't worry. You can Create this whole stuff with a single click without scheduling 3 email campaigns using a mailatmars marketing platform.


Create AB test With mailatmars


Using mailatmars you can easily create a testing email campaign that helps you to find the best version of your email and get higher response with less spent email credits.


  1. Login to https://mailatmars.com
  2. Go to campaign from the left side sidebar menu.
  3. Click on create campaign.
  4. Select AB testing from the type of campaign.
  5. Add the name of your campaign and click to create a campaign.
  6. select email profile (sending email address, reply email address, and from name)
  7. select email contact list (recommend to minimum list size is 3000 contacts)
  8. Add Both variants (variant A and variant B)
  9. Click on the scheduled button on top of the dashboard.
  10. Select hypothesis and test size (the recommended test size is 20% for both variants which means 40% for the test and 60% for is final)
  11. Select the hypothesis for your test(Open or Click).
  12. Select the date time according to the selected time zone.
  13. Click on scheduled.


Step-By-Step Guide

  • Login to mailatmars.com
  • Go to campaign from the left side sidebar menu.

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  • Click on create campaign.

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  • Select AB testing from the type of campaign.
  • Add the name of your campaign and click to create a campaign.

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  • select email profile (sending email address, reply email address, and from name)

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  • select email contact list (recommend to minimum list size is 3000 contacts)

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 10.23.42 AM

  • Add Both variants (variant A and variant B)

    Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 10.25.03 AM


  • Click on the scheduled button on top of the dashboard.

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  • Select hypothesis and test size (the recommended test size is 20% for both variants which means 40% for the test and 60% for is final)
  • Select the hypothesis for your test(Open or Click).

    Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 10.31.12 AM

  • Select the date time according to the selected time zone.
  • Click on scheduled.

    Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 10.33.59 AM



Your AB testing campaign has been scheduled you can view your campaign analytics by clicking on the analytics button on your campaign list.


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Also, you can view separate test analytics by clicking on the test name box and you can view your test analytics. Still, you can change your hypothesis by setting tabs on your main campaign.


Idea About AB testing


Here, we discussed some ideas about what we can do with AB testing and how we can decide to change part of both variants. For decided of variation in content. First of all, we need to select a hypothesis. We have two hypotheses for email marketing open or click.

Variable for your open test

  • Subject line
  • Personalization (using the sender’s name or subscriber's name)
  • Preview text
  • sender name

Variable for your click test

  • images
  • Email design
  • links design
  • different testimonials
  • headline text
  • closing text


What do you learn?

In this post you can learn about how to start with AB testing as per the post you can understand AB testing with email marketing is easy to use and you can also launch large campaigns with confident. There is no mysterious about AB testing it is only a variant of tests that you apply on a small number of contacts in particular lists and launch the final campaign based on your test campaign analytics. Using mailatmars you can easily create an AB testing campaign with a single tap and schedule on your time.

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